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dimanche 6 juillet 2014

You Don't Have to Like Your Body to Love It!

I want you to think about your body as one of your children or someone else you love dearly. When was the last time this person did or said something that really made you mad? In that moment, you might have been thinking "I really don't like this person right now." However, did his behavior cause you to stop loving him? Absolutely not! My teenager regularly acts in a way that I do not like, but I still love him. I will protect him, do what I think is best for him, and give him what he needs.
Now let's return to your body. How often do you look at your body and think, "I do not like my legs, my hips, my butt (or whatever)"? I admit it. I do not like my thicker waist that came from my second child and being over 40. Okay fine, so it also comes from sometimes eating too much of the wrong foods and not exercising consistently. It's one thing to dislike your body. It's something completely different to have an attitude of hatred or disgust towards your body. This attitude will cause you to mistreat your body instead of loving and honoring your body.

Your body, with all its imperfections, is sacred. It is the only body you have been given for your entire life. Your body houses all the organs that keep you alive. It gets you around from place to place. Your body pumps oxygen to the brain that enables you to feel, think, create and function. You need to take care of your body like any relationship with a loved one. Loving and respecting your body requires the same ingredients. So what can you give to your body that you would give someone you love?
1. Daily Attention
To nurture a relationship, you need to pay attention to what it needs. If you ignore your loved one for a long period of time, what happens? The relationship begins to die. In order to grow my relationship with my little guy, he needs daily doses of conversation, playtime with me, and cuddling. In order to thrive, your body needs adequate sleep, proper nutrition, exercise, and plenty of water everyday. You wouldn't go for a week without talking to your child or husband, so why would you go for a week giving your body 4-5 hours of sleep a night or regularly feeding your body foods with no nutrition? Love your body by staying conscious about how you treat it on a daily basis.
2. Spend Time and Listen
In order to get to know someone you love, you need to spend time together. Your body is the same way. It will communicate with you if you only listen. Your body will tell you when it is hungry and when it is full. It will tell you when it is tired and needs to relax. If you are getting sick a lot, your body is screaming at you. It is trying to get your attention. When you exercise, your body will begin to hurt if you push too hard. Or maybe you are short of breath from lack of exercise or being overweight. That is your body's way of communicating that it is working too hard. Pay attention to the cues your body sends you. Respond to them and see them as signs that something needs to change. Someone I know says to people, "If you ignore your health, it will leave you." And so will your husband.
3. Special Treats
Sometimes you give your loved ones special treats to show you love them. You don't give them everyday because then they wouldn't be special. Your body needs special treats too. Treat yourself to a massage, a facial, new clothes, or a mocha latte every once in awhile. When I was a teenager, my mom and I used to go running on the local school track. Afterwards, we went to this awesome ice cream shop and treated ourselves to a scrumptious sundae. We didn't overindulge all the time...just once in awhile. Special treats help banish feelings of deprivation.
4. Grace
How many times does your loved one say "I'm sorry"? And how many times do you forgive him or her? We all need grace at times, and so do you when it comes to taking care of your body. Maybe you do really well on your diet or exercise plan for two weeks, and then you fall off the wagon. For one whole week, you don't exercise and you don't follow a healthy eating plan. That's okay! Forgive yourself and get back on track. You don't have to completely abandon your plan because you didn't follow it perfectly.
5. Have Fun!
Taking care of and loving your body doesn't have to be drudgery. Have fun! Find new low-fat recipes that contain your favorite foods. Adjust your attitude toward your health and your body. Exercise is only boring if you view it that way. Find activities you love that exercise your body. When I was in Las Vegas this past month, I was taking a walk in a local family park. I watched a dad and his two children having the time of their life. They were riding their bikes and dad was leading the way. He created an obstacle course that required the kids to ride in circles, up and down ramps, over the grass, and around various walkways. They were laughing and having a blast, while exercising their body. This dad knew the value of adding fun to a healthy routine.
So, here's to good health and loving your body even if you don't like it!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/47699

You Really Can Learn to Love Your Body - Here's How

Can you really learn to love your body? As the years go by, each decade brings new and unexpected changes. You move from adolescence to young adulthood and unexpected weight gain. If you are a woman, you may experience the reshaping of your body because of pregnancy. If you are willing and fortunate, you will eventually enter into the effects of maturity, including wrinkles and the pull of gravity. During your lifetime, your body will endure stress, sadness, grief, disappointment, and other emotions. You may bear the scars of illness, disease, or accidents. Other times the effects of a sedentary lifestyle, emotional eating, dieting, or poor nutrition may shape your body. With all this going on, is it possible to make peace and love your body?
My Body Acceptance Experience
For me, the road to loving my body began many years ago, decades ago. I stood one day, naked, in front of a full-length closet mirror. Having summoned my courage to do this, my intention was to look at my total body and say three simple words: "I love you." Trembling, I opened my eyes, and looked at the image in the mirror. What was that image that reflected itself back at me? As if a foreign language, my mouth sounded out those three words, "I love you." What happened next was totally unexpected. A bellow of laughter arose from within my core that took me completely by surprise. The laugh released itself so spontaneously, that it took me a moment to determine what had just happened. I was laughing at the total absurdity of my statement. As the revelation of this truth flooded so suddenly, and unexpectedly, into my consciousness, I fell to the carpeted floor, naked, heaving tears from the depths of my misery. In that moment, I realized my own self-disapproval.
So began a journey of understanding and self-compassion that in new and wondrous ways continues to this day. This journey of self-love is the infinite unfolding and allowing of my divine spirit to create a union with the physical the self that I am - in this body and on this earth. Slowly, but with visible steadiness, I am becoming peace on earth.

You also have a body and your relationship with it is personal and complex. If you are currently unhappy with your body, you have the ability to reshape your body-image relationship into something beautiful, peaceful, and fulfilling. Even if there are things about your body that you would wish to change, you still can learn to develop a partnership with your amazing body. Your body does not appreciate being an object ordered about by your critical commands, or blamed for your unhappy life. Your body is the home you live in for your entire journey on Earth. It is up to you to realize this symbiosis and work to create harmony.
Being comfortable with your body is rarely something that comes easily. However, you can light your path to greater self-love and body acceptance. Use these powerful tips to continue your journey to love the body you live in!
Call a Truce
How do you unite as a partner with your body? First, call a ceasefire with your body and decide to accept everything about your body in this moment. Things are the way they are. That doesn't mean you can't work to change things. It just means that until you call a truce, you are always going to be in a war between you and your body. In a war, you are fighting to stop what is going on, but never really working to move forward into something new. By calling a truce, you can begin to build a new, more enjoyable relationship between you and your body.
Your Body Reflects Your Thoughts and Beliefs
Your body reflects on the outside what you believe about life on the inside. For example, maybe on the inside you believe that life is not safe, or there is no hope of ever feeling better. Because of those beliefs, you may feel sadness, depression, anger, fear, or hopelessness. Perhaps you believe you are a bad person, unworthy and unlovable. Alternatively, you may believe that you should not dare to be unique, creative, or self-expressive. These self-limiting beliefs are often painful, and maybe you have attempted to feel better through too much or too little food, drugs, sex, busyness, or other addictions.
Begin to explore new ideas that include seeing how your body is not your enemy. Your body is not responsible for your unhappiness in life, and it does not make decisions for you. If your body is overweight, exhausted, without energy, worn out, or sick, it is not to be blamed for those conditions. It is merely a reflection of your thoughts, beliefs, and actions.
The really great news is that it is your body. If it is currently holding on to ideas of limitation or lack, it is because you have filled it up with those ideas. You can change your beliefs! Since it is your body, it would agree to hold any new ideas that you would offer to it. You just need to do a bit of housecleaning as you release some old ideas about life and yourself, and bring in some new, updated, self-supporting ideas.
Practice Thoughts That Feel Good
Turning your body into your temple may well be a process and an undertaking. But, it is a worthwhile undertaking. You have a right to enjoy your life and feel good here on earth. The only way that is going to happen is inside of your body. So, be brave and call a truce. Life can be as wonderful or as horrible as you allow it to be. It all depends on the thoughts you practice. Learn to align with thinking the thoughts that feel good inside your body. Think thoughts that bring pleasure. Ask yourself often, "Am I practicing thoughts that bring me joy and confidence?" or, "Am I practicing thoughts which bring me pain?"
It is possible to learn to love the body you were born with. Practice the ideas above and learn to eliminate the negative thoughts you have about your body. In time, you will learn to love your life!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/41905

vendredi 4 juillet 2014

Seven Good Reasons to Work With a Health Coach

Health Coaching is a new model for total health and wellness in the individual. Health Coaching is not something you only do when you are sick. Health Coaching is about optimization of human potential and has a philosophy of ever expanding possibilities. Health Coaching recognizes that there is an innate intelligence within you, an inborn wisdom that governs all healing, function and repair and that the purpose of all health and wellness practices is to remove interference to this intelligence so your body can heal itself. The 7 good reasons to work with a Health Coach below will outline clearly how you can reach that state of health and wellness in your life right now.
1. You need to be held accountable.
As children there is always someone there to make sure we're doing what we're supposed to. As adults, we're supposed to be able to do this for ourselves. But what if we can't? What if we keep making other things more important than our health and well being and not moving forward? A health coach can help by checking and asking the right questions and by being a gentle reminder to keep you moving toward your health and wellness goals.
Also, in most traditional models of seeing a health practitioner, we tend to see that person as an expert - they know more about our body than we do and they can tell us exactly what we need to do to get better. This system encourages us in a sense, to place our health in someone else's hands. We are no longer responsible, the health practitioner is. We are not really accountable, the health practitioner or the pills they told us to take are. In health coaching, you are the best and only expert on you and the only one qualified to know if something will work or not.
2. You want to get your health and well being on track once and for all
Far too many of us have joined gyms or started a diet in the past feeling initially excited only to watch our enthusiasm drain away a few weeks later. We can feel disappointed with ourselves, with the money we've wasted and with the lack of results we've achieved. Things change, our responsibilities change, time we have available changes and our health and wellness goals. What is it that's stopping you from committing to a path of improved health? A health coach will help you figure out those answers once and for all and help you find real-life solutions that not only work for you but keep working for you in the future.
3. You know what you need to do be healthy but you just can't seem to stick to the changes
So, it's not a question of good health education - the majority of us understand clearly what we need to do to stay healthy - eat lots of fruit and veggies, minimize red meat, exercise regularly and don't smoke or drink too much. Simple right? Why aren't more of us doing it then? Before we make any changes in our life we need to agree with the changes, they need to be congruent with our values and they need to make sense in the context of our lives.
4. You struggle with being overweight, are always dieting or otherwise don't feel good about the way you look.
Being overweight is an issue that affects many Australians. It damages our health and damages our self-esteem. Here, a health coach will help you find your way amidst the huge amount of conflicting information available and keep things as simple as possible - no "diets" just a good look at the way you see, value and use food and how that impacts the amount and types of foods you eat each day.
5. You can't seem to find or make the time to eat well, exercise regularly or take time for yourself
What's really going on here? What issues are holding you back from giving yourself what you need to be healthy? Most of us are crazy busy and challenged with "not enough" time but is that the real issue? A health coach will help you identify your personal priorities and find a way to work in your health and wellness goals so you can keep on doing what you want, when you want.
6. You've been diagnosed with cancer, diabetes, a stress related condition or some other chronic disease and you want to discover other treatment options available to you.
You've had the wake up call. Your body is sending you messages loud and clear that something needs to change. A health coach will help you identify options, alternatives, complimentary treatments and educate you more on conventional approaches so you are well informed and can make the best decisions possible for your health.
7. You have "an addictive personality" and make changes only to find yourself slipping back into unhealthy choices or behavior patterns
Addictive behavior patterns, food addiction and drugs and alcohol can sabotage completely our attempts to make lasting changes in our lives. Health coaching sessions will educate, inspire and support you to deal with these tough issues so you develop all the skills and knowledge you need to create and maintain a life of vibrant health and well being free from addictions of all kinds.
As those of us who've had a serious wake up call know, health is the most important thing in our lives - without it, nothing much matters.  Unfortunately, too many of us wait until it's too late to make changes to our diet and lifestyle. 80% of people in Australia die of "lifestyle diseases" like heart disease, complications of diabetes and many forms of cancer. Can you afford to wait til something's broken to fix it?
Health coaching is not something you only do when you're sick. It will help you find your way to better health and well being. After all, you are the best (and only) expert on you. By asking the right questions, providing education and real-world experience we'll look at alternatives and discover new ideas, possibilities and ways of looking at your health. We'll help you find what works in your life right now without slipping back into negative eating, exercise or behavior habits. You choose the lifestyle changes, you set the pace and you discover just how good it is possible to feel!
Susan Living is a community focused speaker, workshop facilitator and health coach extraordinaire! Passionate about making vibrant health and well being accessible to all, her down to earth and practical thoughts on health and well being are life-changing. Her insights into the nature of food and addiction and the intricacies and psychology of eating are applicable to anyone with a body.
Susan also helps business owners save money on staff costs by improving the health and wellness of their people and is creating an international community of health practitioners working together to change the way medicine is viewed accessed and delivered in the world! She can be contacted at http://www.susansfoodforthought.com and http://www.susanliving.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3135715

jeudi 3 juillet 2014

5 Tips On How You Can Attain Exercise Motivation

5 Tips On How To Motivate Yourself To Exercise
If you are reading this article, I would assume that you lack exercise motivation. I also assume that you are not exercising regularly, or may not be exercising at all. I also assume that you know the value of exercise to good health and well-being, but for whatever reason(s), you have not made exercise a part of your lifestyle.
Don't fret. It's not too late to start exercising. But, it's really up to YOU to make it happen. The tips in this article may assist you in attaining exercise motivation and convince you to make regular exercise a part of your lifestyle.
  • Figure out the main reason why you need to exercise. Do you want to be more alluring or healthy? Would you like to be able to get down and play with your grand kids, or attend their graduation and weddings? Do you want to have the health and strength to maintain your independence as long as possible in your "old age"? Do you want to fit into some of your favorite clothes again? What exactly could it be? You must have a reason.
Once you have figured it out, keep thinking about it. As the saying goes, "out of sight, out of mind", so it is with your motive to exercise. If you keep it on your mind day in and day out, you won't be able to discredit the logic behind working out. This is the best exercise motivation. If you have the motivation, and you are thinking about it all of the time, the action (exercising) will eventually come.
Exercise Motivation - You Must Love Yourself
  • Learn to appreciate and love your own body firstly. After all, the body is the temple to the soul. Once you learn to truly love yourself as you are, you will not want to do anything to harm yourself. Ponder that an unhealthy body will not be able to operate at its maximum potential or efficiency. Also, keep in mind that your emotional health is closely tied to your physical health. For example, you may be able to delay or prevent senility by exercising regularly. The same goes for depression or just being down in the dump.

  • Find exercises that are fun to do, and whenever possible, exercise with a friend, or someone you enjoy being around. Generally, people will do what they enjoy. For example, you chose your line of work because you enjoy it. Your hobbies are most likely centered around what you enjoy. So are your weekend activities. So, why should not exercise be the same way? If exercise is going to become a part of your lifestyle, you must find an exercise program that you will enjoy doing. Doing what you enjoy will definitely increase exercise motivation.

  • Once you have done some research on the types of exercises you will enjoy, then make a plan, write it down, and stick with it. Those who have a definite workout plan, such as a target number of weekly workouts at a specific location, tend to stick to their routines with significantly more success than people who focus only on a certain result -- such as losing 15 pounds - or merely work out whenever they feel like it, or only when it is convenient for them to do so.
You should schedule your workout time just as you would a church or company meeting. "That way, when someone asks if you're able to meet at 6, it is possible to actually say, 'Sorry, I have an appointment; how about 8 instead?'" says Sherri McMillan, owner of Northwest Personal Training in Vancouver, Washington.
Exercise Motivation - Reward Yourself

  • Lastly, reward yourself with something you really enjoy every week or two. And for God's sake, take a day off infrequently (note that I said infrequently nor frequently). I know some people who go to the gym every day, 365 days a year (I guess they do stop during the holidays). It's like a "must" regimen to them. And, to be honest, I don't think they are always having fun. They may be addicted to exercise (which is not all bad). But, we all need a break sometime from normal routines in order to refresh the body as well as the mind. Plus, taking a day or two off may give a boost to your exercise motivation so that you will look forward to getting back into it. I suppose I need to lighten up on the criticism.
The take home point is that exercise motivation can only come from you. All I did was to lay out some possible pointers that will help you motivate yourself. Remember, though, that exercise along will not produce good health unless you are eating a healthy diet. Personally, I have found out that a hard workout will make you think twice about eating unhealthy because you would not want to lose the benefits of all of the hard work and time you spent exercising.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8590890

mercredi 2 juillet 2014

Five Steps to Fitness Success

Despite what you might see on TV infomercials or in newspaper ads, there is no magic bullet or miracle pill that will get you fit overnight. No matter what any glamorous hard-body spokesperson says about the newest "revolutionary" exercise machine, diet, or supplementation program- the fact is that achieving fitness success takes time and energy. You can bet that the spokesperson did not get his or her physique by using the "new, amazing de-fat-alizer" machine for 30 seconds a day! He or she is undoubtedly engaged in a fitness program that includes sensible diet and lots of exercise.
On the other hand, we believe that achieving fitness success is well within everyone's reach. This article will provide you with powerful, effective steps you can take RIGHT NOW that will jump-start your fitness program and get you on track to fitness success.
1. Make Changes TODAY!
2. Decide & Commit
3. Define Goals
4. Design Your Road Map
5. Feel Good!
Step 1: Make Changes TODAY!
Achieving FITNESS SUCCESS is all about making consistent incremental improvements over time. Like the power of compounding interest, implementing even small improvements can result in a cumulative snow-balling effect that generates momentum, enthusiasm and results!
There are specific, immediate changes you can make that will deliver meaningful results:
It sounds obvious, but it's truly amazing how much potential is in this simple step. Park at the far end of the parking lot; take the stairs instead of the elevator; chase your grandchildren around. Our bodies were built for movement, and the simple act of moving more is a great way to start your fitness program. Walking is a vastly underrated form of exercise. So is dancing!
You'll hear different target quantities from different experts, but a good rule of thumb is to drink 8 glasses of water per day. It's a good practice to drink a glass ½ hour before and after meals. Substituting water for less healthy drinks (like soda) will cut calories and reduce intake of artificial flavoring, coloring, etc. Also, increasing water intake will help curb your appetite.
Studies have shown that our bodies operate more efficiently when we spread our food intake our over five or six smaller meals per day, versus the three larger meals to which we've become accustomed. And what grandma told you about eating your vegetables was right on target! Most Americans do not consume enough fruits and vegetables regularly. It's surprisingly easy to shrink the size of meals when you increase your water intake and include more fruits and vegetables.
Another simple yet very powerful tip! Whether you go "all the way" and actually maintain a log of everything you eat, or simply try to do a mental recap periodically during the day, this is a great way to manage your diet. For example, when you get ready to eat dinner, doing a quick review of what you've eaten so far that day will help you make intelligent menu choices.
Flexibility is a very important component of overall fitness. A daily routine of basic stretches can greatly improve your mobility in a very short period of time. Just remember: stretching movements should be gentle and gradual, and never jerky or bouncy.
Once you've made the simple lifestyle changes listed above, you will begin building the positive momentum that will empower you to move aggressively toward your fitness goals!
It's not about big, sweeping changes: the fact is you CAN NOT become fit in one day. But you can decide TODAY to make a commitment to incremental, consistent improvement that will get you on track IMMEDIATELY.
Step 2: Decide to Take Better Care of Yourself
You probably know someone who has experienced health problems that could have been avoided if the person had taken better care of him or herself. How many times have you resolved to begin taking better care of yourself?
But what does that mean?
Ask virtually anyone what it means to "take better care of yourself", and undoubtedly you'll hear something like "Get more exercise and eat sensibly". Everyone seems to know that exercise is important to overall health and well-being, and is a big part of taking better care of yourself. We've all seen the reports on TV, in magazines, on the internet: it's an irrefutable fact that people of all ages and fitness levels can reap compelling physical and psychological benefits by engaging in a sensible exercise regimen.
So...Why are so many people neglecting to engage in an exercise program, when they KNOW that this behavior will improve their health, appearance, attitude, and overall quality of life?
The answer is simple. They have not yet DECIDED TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF THEMSELVES.
You already know many good reasons to begin an exercise program. You have probably heard (or even used!) at least one of the most common excuses for not beginning a fitness program:
"I don't have enough time". (probably the number 1 excuse)
"I won't feel comfortable working out with a bunch of "hard-bodies".
"It's too expensive".
Let's BUST these mythical excuses right now!
"I don't have enough time".
There are plenty of busy people who are fit, and plenty of fit people who are busy. The fact is that people who DECIDE to make the time, make the time. It's hard to imagine there are many things in your life more important than your physical well-being, which is what enables you to enjoy all other aspects of your life.
"I won't feel comfortable working out with a bunch of "hard-bodies".
This is an easy one. If you're not comfortable working out in any particular health club, THEN DON'T! There are so many different venues in which you can exercise that you are certain to find the right one with a little homework. See "Should I Join a Health Club".
"It's too expensive".
The expense associated with a fitness program can vary from a multi-thousand dollar investment in home exercise equipment to a zero-cost program that includes walking, jogging and/or calisthenics. If you decide to join a health club, or seek out the services of a personal trainer, then there are of course associated costs. But once again, there are many health clubs with varying fee structures. Do some comparison shopping!
Consider the following:
a) What is the ROI (return on investment) for an effective fitness program? How much is it worth to you to improve your overall health and wellness; to have more energy and stamina; to feel better? What is the long-term price of NOT engaging in a fitness program?
b) What constitutes "expensive"? A health club costing $60 per month breaks out to roughly $14 per week. That's something like $3 per workout, or what most people spend on coffee every day.
c) Perhaps you fall into a category that qualifies for a discount at a local health club. For example, many clubs have discount membership programs for seniors, employees of local companies ("Corporate Memberships"), referral discounts, etc. Again, doing a little homework can really pay off!
Now it's just a matter of making the decision that you will Take Better Care of Yourself. That means making a commitment to take action.
We're using the word "commitment" here for a reason. The dictionary defines "Commitment" as "an agreement or pledge to do something in the future". A commitment is a PROMISE. We're talking about making a promise to yourself that you will begin taking better care of yourself. And nothing is as gratifying as fulfilling a promise!
Step 3: Define Your Fitness Goals
Start with YOUR definition of fitness. What does it mean to you? It could be reaching and maintaining a more healthy body weight. It could be lowering your blood pressure, gaining lean muscle mass, or being able to walk a brisk mile without getting overly winded. Your goal could be being fit enough to carry your grandson up the stairs. For some, it's bench-pressing 400 lbs. or running a marathon. It doesn't matter.
Define what you want out of a fitness program.
It might be helpful to talk to people you know who are already actively engaged in exercise, or to have an assessment consultation with a Personal Trainer/Fitness Specialist at a local health club.
Make sure your goals are realistic, but don't be afraid to challenge yourself. Keep in mind that fitness is REALLY about one thing: feeling better!
So, when you define your goal, be sure to think about how reaching this goal will make you feel physically, mentally and emotionally. That will make the goal feel more "real", and give you a motivational tool you can use throughout your fitness journey.
Hard vs. Soft goals:
It really pays to establish "hard" goals. That is, goals that are as specific and measurable as possible.
"Soft" goals on the other hand are more vague and general.
For example...
Soft Goal:
I want to get in shape. (how will you measure your success? What does "in shape" mean?)
Measurable, Specific Goal:
By June 30th, I want to lose 10 lbs, and increase my endurance to the point where I can jog two miles without stopping.
Setting specific fitness goals is also a great motivator, because you can track your success and see progress as you move toward your goal.
Step 4: Lay Out Your Road Map
You've decided to make a real commitment to take action, and to start taking better care of yourself. AND you've taken the next important step by defining your fitness goals.
For many people, those first steps are the most difficult. It's important to understand that without a real commitment (Step 2) and clearly-defined goals (Step 3), there is no way to develop a plan. That would be like building a house without a blue-print!
But once you've completed these crucial steps, you are ready to develop your road map.
Your fitness road map must answer the BIG THREE questions:
What is my goal (where am I going?)
What is my plan (how do I get there?)
How to I track progress (how do I tell where am I now?)
It is absolutely critical that you lay out a road map that addresses these BIG THREE questions. The road map should outline the actual exercise routines to be performed, the scheduling of workouts, and a procedure for measuring progress at prescribed intervals.
The best approach is to start with a high-level outline, and then fill in details as you gather information. The outline should include:
workout frequency (e.g. 4 times per week)
approximate mix of flexibility, strength and cardio training (based on goals)
actual exercise programs (*)
check points (e.g. weigh-ins every 3 weeks)
The more specific you are in this planning phase, the BETTER your chances for success!
(*) There are many sources for help in designing your exercise program. Workout programs are available over the internet or in book stores. Our best advice is: GET HELP. Whether it's from a fitness-minded friend or trained professional at a health club, by getting skilled assistance you can easily build a road map that includes enough variation to ward of the potential boredom of a fixed routine.
Also consider whether you'd like to enlist someone as a workout partner. Some people find it motivating to have a partner; it might even occasionally "guilt" you into working out when you know your partner is counting on you. And two heads are usually better than one!
Once you have your road map, you can determine what workout venues will make sense. Depending on your goals, there may be several effective paths for you to follow. You might join a walking club, or sign up for dance lessons. You might begin an independent exercise program at home, or join a friend who jogs regularly.
Remember: You should consult your physician before beginning an exercise regimen.
Step 5: Feel Good!
Fitness is, above all, about FEELING GOOD!
Once you have designed a fitness road map, the best way to succeed is to enjoy the challenge. Our bodies WANT to be fit! And once you start your program, you will feel the exhilaration that comes when you get moving.

Nothing is more motivating than knowing that you've defined a goal, have an action plan, and are WORKING YOUR PLAN. While you're working your plan, always remember to:
Enjoy the ride
Track progress
Set challenging new goals for yourself.
That last point is important: you're not "done" when your reach your goals. Fitness is not a destination, it's a lifestyle. So, when you reach a goal, congratulate yourself and raise the bar!
You'll find that you will look forward to workout days, and even on those rare occasions when you have to "force" yourself to work out, you'll be glad you did. Enjoying the ride is the biggest key to success in fitness.
It's also important to mix in some patience with your enthusiasm. You might miss a workout or two, or get side-tracked for a week. This happens to even the most dedicated fitness devotees. If and when you slip, or your progress slows, it's important to remember how much long-term benefit you will get from your fitness program. And even after a "slip up", nothing feels better than getting right back on track.
By following the FIVE STEPS TO FITNESS SUCCESS, you can realize IMMEDIATE improvements in your overall fitness jump-start your journey toward your fitness goals ENJOY getting the most out of your fitness program
1) Make Changes TODAY!
2) Decide & Commit
3) Define Goals
4) Design Your Road Map
5) Feel Good!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1339701

samedi 8 février 2014

Selecting the Appropriate Health Insurance for Your Needs

Getting the right healthcare for you and your family can often be a huge challenge. Taking into consideration pertinent factors like accessing competent physicians, healthcare centers with the right equipment and medicine, and more importantly the costs that you will be expected to meet. Most ordinary individuals might require relatively infrequent medical attention, while others, depending on their health conditions, need more visits to the hospital. However, everyone from time to time has to deal with unexpected health challenges, which can often necessitate a substantial amount of money.
It is, thus, wise to have the foresight to take appropriate measures to ensure that whatever predicament comes your way, you will always be prepared. One of the best ways of doing this is by acquiring a suitable health insurance cover, which will infinitely lower your medical expenses.
Figuring out the right health insurance plan that will meet your distinct needs, isn't as easy as it might appear, and there are various factors one needs to consider. This article will attempt to elaborate on the different types of medical insurance plans available.
What kind of healthcare plans do insurance firms offer?
In essence there are 4 common types of medical insurance plans, which are bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. It is important to note that under the Affordable care act, all these plans meet the same essential health benefits, which among others include coverage for:
• Chronic ailments treatment
• Hospitalization
• Maternity care
• Occupational & physical therapy
• Preventive care
• Prescription drugs
• Emergency services
• Addiction treatment
What primarily distinguishes one plan from the other is often based on several factors, which are:
This happens to be the prerequisite monthly payment any medical insurance policyholder has to meet, despite of having or having not received medical care. The factors that determine how much premium you will pay include: your age, whether you smoke, your location, number of people you want to be covered in the policy, among others.
This is the mandatorily charge you will have to foot before the health insurance plan you have taken can begin to chip in.
Copayment is usually a fixed rate that you pay for receiving healthcare benefits covered in your health insurance plan. Naturally, this fee normally varies for different medical care. For instance, a normal visit to your physician will generally be lower than an emergency room visit.
This is your allotted share of medical care expenses, and is normally a fixed portion of the total amount for any medical service you receive. This charge is deducted after your expenses reach the limit of the deductible you opt for.
Out of pocket maximum
This happens to be the highest amount (normally within a year) you will meet prior to the health insurance plan you've enrolled on covers your medical expenses. It is important to bear in mind this omits any expense that isn't covered in your distinct medical insurance plan.
The difference between the costs these 4 plans; bronze, silver, gold, platinum, normally cover is calculated from their actuarial value. The higher the plan (gold & platinum) the higher the total amount such a health insurance policy covers for your medical needs.
This invariably means that you will be liable to pay lower deductibles, copayment, and coinsurance. The catch, however, in enrolling on a higher medical insurance plan is that you will be necessitated to foot exorbitant premiums. A bronze plan covers roughly 60% of all your medical expenses covered in your policy. Silver plans cover 70% of the same, while gold meets 80% and a platinum plan foots 90%.
Choosing the right type of medical insurance plan
Depending on you and your family's distinct needs, you can be in a position to choose the best share of cost you wish to meet. Some plans offer low deductibles, which means that you will be required to meet steep coinsurance, and copayment. Conversely, you can opt for a high deductible, which will lower the other expenses you will have to meet.
Deciding on the right plan, with this knowledge in mind, can be infinitely simpler. Should you be an individual that requires frequent medical attention, a gold or platinum plan will be right down your alley. As it meets a considerably large portion of your medical expenses ( 80% and 90% respectively). On the other hand, if you and yours are generally in good health, you can pick a bronze or silver plan, which will keep your deductible and premiums lower.
Should you be shopping for a medical insurance policy in your state's marketplace, these plans often fall under 4 distinct categories of healthcare providers. These are:
• Health maintenance organizations (HMOs)
• Preferred Provider organizations (PPOs)
• Point of service (POS)
• High deductible health plans(with health savings accounts (HSAs))
These categories of healthcare insurance plans offer varying benefits the most prominent of which are; the right to select your own healthcare providers, and access to more preventive care.
For instance HMOs plans proffer very little freedom in picking your preferred healthcare providers, while on the flipside it offers much more preventive care and a primary care physician. PPOs on their side offer a good opportunity to efficiently manage your healthcare expenses.
POS plans integrate both features of HMOs and PPOs. Finally, HDHP/ Health Savings Account's main benefit is your getting a health saving account. This naturally, connotes that you can be in a position to put extra money in it, which can come in handy when you and your family's future medical bills.

How to Stay Healthy

Staying healthy in this day and age can be a challenge between fast food restaurants on every corner, unlimited entertainment options that promote inactivity, and a medicinal solution to treat most conditions, there is little motivation for taking responsibility for your health. Making positive health choices can help you feel good on the daily basis, help you avoid nagging illnesses like head colds, and even prevent serious diseases. While living a healthy life cannot guarantee you from not getting lung cancer or pancreas cancer, you will be reducing your risk. In the long run, these positive choices can lead to a longer, healthier life that will require fewer medications.
Your first step for maintaining good health is eating right and getting enough exercise. This is probably one of the theoretically least challenging aspects of staying healthy, but it is often difficult to put into action. Making healthy food choices on the daily basis and finding time to exercise is easier said than done. Busy lives often lead to choosing foods that are quick and easy, and often prepared ahead of time. Exercising when there is work to be done, kids to be cared for, and other chores to handle is often a tough thing to prioritize. If you want to stay healthy and happy, work hard to make healthy food choices and try to fit exercise into your schedule at least three to five times each week.
Another part of a healthy life is keeping your stress levels under control. Exercising will go a long way in controlling your stress, but you may need to do more. If you experience stress on the regular basis, it can have long-term effects on your health. Be sure you take time to relax and do not let stress build up over time.
A great way to prevent bad stress is to be surrounded with positive people. If there are friends and loved ones you can talk with, it will help you to release a lot of the bad feelings and anxiety you feel. Surrounding yourself with positive people will boost your own mood and help you cope with the daily events you face. It will also give you a place for support when things are especially tough. A positive attitude and strong support system helps you maintain good health.
A final method for staying healthy over the course of your lifetime is to practice prevention. Instead of waiting until you get sick and searching for a cure, do the things listed above to prevent ever facing illness. If your goal is to keep your body strong enough to resist sickness and disease, you can avoid a number of illnesses that would otherwise be a problem. Have a healthy attitude, get plenty of rest and fresh air, and follow the steps above to prevent minor illness and serious diseases. A long and healthy life will be your reward, and you will save time, money, and a great deal of pain by adopting a preventative attitude toward your health.
Eat right, exercise, reduce stress, surround yourself with positive, supportive people, and practice prevention.